Sometimes friends spring on you little surprises which come at the right moment, for the right reasons and mean so much to you that it's almost impossible to translate into words the effect this has on you. But I will actually try and express myself.
On returning to work yesterday after a ten-day break I sat down at my desk, chatting away with friends and colleagues and, multi-tasking as we all do so well nowadays, continued having a conversation whilst switching on the computer and opening up all the post on my desk. Chat, chat, chat away and open first envelope, enter my login, look at the Leadership Management course pamphlet, yep, into recycling bin. Opening up Outlook, opening up an internal mail envelope. Hmm, another envelope inside. Tearing that open. Looking up at the screen, dismally registering 118 e-mails to read. Hmm, what's this so carefully wrapped? A CD? A green folded up letter? A CD? Who sent me this? Janine? Oh my God, I bet I know what it is? Oh my God! Yes, the HAIR musical CD. Oh, my God! Brilliant! She remembered !!!!
Yes, Janine, my friend (who is like a sister to me), did remember I'd said so much about the musical I saw in London a month ago and as well as seeing it herself (we're both musical lovers), she also brought me as a present the CD and the protest paper and the flower, all distributed during the show.
Yes, the CD was a wonderful present. Music has such a huge place in my life, especially when it evokes sentiments, memories and a general feeling of well-being.
But the real present was the fact she remembered what I'd said about how the musical had made quite a deep impression on me. The real present came in the folded up green paper and the pressed flower. It symbolised our friendship, our understanding that sometimes no words are needed. The empathy is there and so is a deep understanding of one another. In this crazy rhythm of life we lead here in Brazil we no longer have much time to sit down and have a good old chat. But the true test of friendship is that we remember the things which are meaningful to one another.
And when this happens, well, this is a precious little moment! This is the gift of friendship! And this is what really makes life worth living - a collection of precious little moments which we can always draw on when we face those ever so difficult moments.
So Janine, "Let the sunshine! Let the sun shine in!"