Tuesday, 20 May 2008

This is a bit odd, isn't it?

blog readability test

TV Reviews

Hello everyone,

Found this interesting add on to the blog - quite curious isn't it? So I decided to have a go. Does anyone know how this works? What intrigues me is how it labels the blogs - is it based on long words, complicated terms, what could it be?
My question is, why would anyone want to associate this to their blog?
Any thoughts?


  1. Hi Valéria. I'd very much like to see how this blog labeling tool works indeed. I am under the impression this is a deceiptively simple trick such as extracting a mere average word lenght (the greater the average the more complex it deems the blog).

    (*many minutes latter*)

    I got curious and went for some late night web-based research. It turns out there is this Flsch-Kincaid scale, which grades readability from the rates of syllabes per word and words per sentences.


    However, extracting a character count per word (rather than a syllabe count) is much better suited for computers (because it does away with the problem of identifying a syllabe!) There are formulas for that too, but wikipedia claims they are considered a bit less precise in their results.

  2. Uh, sorry about the misspellings! Length, Deceptively, Flesch-Kincaid, Syllables... Why is it that the same mistakes that are hidden from view while we write pratically jump up and down waving red flags after we are done? Ugh.

  3. Hi Fabio,
    Thanks for the explantion - I had no idea. Quite cool really. Thanks for taking the time. Ciao!

